Published Wednesday, July 31 2013, 19:30 GMT | By Cliffypop

The Life and Times of Genesis “Gennie” Sharma – Top Five Memorable Moments


Last week Emmerdale fans watched in horror as Gennie Sharma was killed by serial killer Cameron Murray in a pair of dramatic episodes. In memory of one of Emmerdale's most popular characters The Emmerdale Forum take's a look back at some of her most memorable moments.


Memorable Moment 1 - The Arrival:


Genesis “Gennie” Pascoe-Dingle Walker-Sharma, pick your surname, at some point she was at least technically it, was never particularly fortunate with personal transport. She crash landed, quite literally in Emmerdale on April Fool's Day, 1st April 2008; having been knocked off her moped by the infinitely forgettable cousin of Paddy and architect of yet more Marlon misery, Police Officer Ross Kirk. She arrived dressed in a pink ensemble best described as “Scooter Barbie”. This outfit was to be the first of many crimes against fashion destined to be perpetrated during her time in the Dales.


The original purpose of her journey was to meet with 50% of her DNA, casual rogue, human scarecrow and erstwhile drunk of the parish, Shadrach Dingle, who then helpfully filled in her back story. Gennie, it transpired was adopted shortly after birth, by Brenda and Bernard Walker, her mother, Shirley Pascoe having had the twin misfortunes of being sexually attracted to Shadrach Dingle and subsequently dying in childbirth. It wasn't long before we met Brenda. Initially a reasonably sensible woman, who justifiably feared the consequences of her daughter's involvement with her new “family”; Brenda, it soon emerged, had less luck with men than Gennie had with transport. She also had the unfortunate habit of routinely destroying her daughter's already limited self-esteem with clumsy and ill-judged remarks. Brenda was sadly lobotomised for much of 2011-12, only recently emerging from the status of village irritant to something vaguely resembling a human being.



Memorable Moment 2 – The Sheep Killer!

What followed Gennie's arrival was the Dingle era and her often desperate attempts, to fit in with the pack of shady in-breds to whom she now found herself related. Initially resented by her half-sister Chastity (Chas) as a cuckoo in the nest, they eventually reached an accommodation with each other, which developed into a mutual affection, with Gennie in particular becoming devoted to her big sis. Remaining something of an innocent abroad, she was nonetheless initially intrigued and enchanted by the life of self-sufficiency and rampant illegality to be found at the Dingle homestead. Indeed she proved herself to have more than a drop of Dingle blood in her veins in a series of escapades, often with Eric Pollard as the unwitting stooge and in the role of sidekick to Eli Dingle. These included aiding and abetting Eli and Sam Dingle in the torching of Pollard's factory and finding herself arrested for the theft of drugs from the Vets. Fortunately in that instance the matter proved to be a misunderstanding. During a brief stint as the Veterinary Assistant from Hell, she managed to run over and kill an unfortunate sheep, producing one of those glorious Emmerdale moments, the emergency call, “Someone has run over a sheep…repeat…someone has run over a sheep!”

Over time, it soon became clear that Gennie had a gentle nature and a tender hearted streak a mile wide, which never really lent itself to a life of petty crime, or to the hunter-killer instincts of a Charity or a Cain. That was never better illustrated than when a loose lipped conversation on Gennie's part with Aaron, resulted in Bob Hope being robbed by Aaron, Zak and her father Shadrach. Bob was subsequently accused of theft and his credit was destroyed. Despite begging her family to return the money they refused. After all, it was for repairs to Debbie's house.


Slowly but surely Gennie began to drift back to her mother in the village and to a more settled life. After stints as a hairdresser, café worker and machinist at Pollard's factory, where her beautiful singing voice was noticed and utilised in true “Singing in the Rain” style to secure a win for the village choir, Genesis Walker embarked on what was to be a life changing role, when she took an initially unpromising job, packing sweets for two brothers who'd just purchased Pollard's factory.



Memorable Moment 3 - The “ Hopeless ” Romantic:


When it came to love, Gennie Walker was nothing if not a trier. Desperate to find her Prince she kissed her fair share of frogs. Eli Dingle was an early non-starter and Paddy Kirk became a short-lived crush that, in a manner which was to become all too familiar, was promptly extinguished, when her sister Chas usurped her. Numerous dodgy blind dates followed with no success, before yet another crush, this time on the multiply married Bob Hope, who at the time was awaiting the return from prison of his wife Viv. A drunken one night stand ensued, followed swiftly by mutual embarrassment and a slap on the face for Gennie, when Viv promptly returned from the clink. Later, after a trip to Morocco, where she'd visited Terry's son TJ, it finally looked as though Gennie had found love when she began dating Jamie Hope, Bob's son. They seemed to be an ideal match and before long were planning a new life together in Newquay. It wasn't to last however, when Jamie discovered Gennie and Bob's drunken mistake and then misinterpreted Bob giving Gennie a kiss on the forehead at the couple's farewell party, as indicative of something more. Despite Gennie's pleas, Jamie could not find it in himself to forgive and forget and Gennie was memorably left in hysterics on Main Street, as Jamie drove his campervan out of the village and off to a new life in Newquay alone.


However, all was not lost for Gennie, in fact her luck and her destiny was slowly and tortuously, about to change and it all began on New Year's Eve 2010, with a spot of Elton John and Kiki Dee.



Memorable Moment 4 – Genhil - A Late Night at the Office; A Declaration and A Desk:


The defining relationship of Gennie's life had an inauspicious beginning. Nikhil Sharma was 6ft of yum who'd arrived in the village, with his elder brother Jai, in September 2009 to take over what had been Pollard's factory. After much speculation that the new owners would be producing Garden Gnomes, it was revealed that they would in fact be making sweets. Arriving in the village at speed, in an open topped red Alpha Romeo sports car to the strains of Jamelia's “Superstar”, it was clear that the brothers would be anything but grim. It was also soon clear that the younger Sharma brother, for all his looks, lacked his elder brother's inherent charisma and charm. Nikhil had a sharp business mind and truly enormous shirt collars, but he was shy, diffident and socially inept. The underlying cause was to be slowly revealed as he embarked on an ill-fated relationship with Maisie Wilde. Despite an embarrassment of riches in terms of physical attributes, Nikhil Sharma was still a virgin, having suffered the emotional trauma of physical betrayal, on the eve of his wedding, when he discovered that his fiancée Amber wasn't quite so keen to wait for the wedding night, or indeed for him. While Maisie soon ensured that Nikhil was fully functional and he promptly demonstrated his gratitude by proposing, Maisie was ultimately unable to reciprocate his feelings and one of the shortest engagements in Emmerdale history was at an end but not before something else had unknowingly begun.


Desperate for a partner to sing with at a New Year's Eve Karaoke Party at the Woolpack, Gennie had tried to persuade her sister Chas, to join her but to no avail. Jai then stepped up and volunteered his reluctant brother for the task. Gennie and Nikhil took to the stage for a rendition of “Don't Go Breaking My Heart” and in that moment, while Cupid's Arrow might not have struck home, it most certainly struck a glancing blow.


Not long afterwards Gennie found herself promoted from the shop floor by Jai, to take on the role of PA. Sadly, she was to discover courtesy of Nikhil that Jai's primary motivation for hiring her was that he wasn't likely to want to sleep with her, unlike her predecessor Faye who'd exited after slapping Jai's face and receiving a hefty payoff. Thus began the pattern of insult and apology that was to characterise their initial relationship. What was also to characterise those early days was a burgeoning friendship, an evident spark and an at times, intense sexual chemistry between this unlikeliest of pairings.


In Gennie's company Nikhil was a different man. Warm, engaging and talkative, he was able to share with Gennie, aspects of his life and feelings that he seemed unable to articulate to others. It wasn't long before it was clear that Gennie Walker had fallen hopelessly in love with Nikhil Sharma. Sadly for Gennie, it was a love that seemed doomed never to be, as Nikhil dated virtually every other young, single woman in the village, except the one whose company he genuinely enjoyed and who loved him unconditionally. Gennie's pain was acute when he added her libidinous sister Chas to the list. Cue a violent confrontation involving Gennie, Chas, Charity and Katie in which the truth of Gennie's feelings were finally revealed. Disinterested in Nikhil beyond the bedroom, Chas retreated to leave the path clear for her sister.


Alas, Gennie's tender hearted declaration of love to Nikhil, went down like a lead balloon. The arrogant, superficial fool telling her in no uncertain terms that he could never be interested in, “Plain little Gennie, the office mouse, the most boring woman in the village!” They were to be words he was destined to deeply regret, as over the ensuing months Gennie began to blossom, finding her romantic feet courtesy of the handsome locum Vet, Nicky Pritchard and her self-confidence, with the prospect of a life beyond Sharma and Sharma. It soon became clear as he observed, powerless from the sidelines that Nikhil had made a monumental mistake and had actually fallen deeply in love with the girl he'd so cruelly rejected. Something he was to reluctantly confess to Charity. Having attempted to win over the object of his affections with the less than conventional methods of insults and sabotage, he finally resorted to the ancient Emmerdale mating ritual of punching your love rival in the face in the Woolpack. Although initially resistant to this approach, it wasn't long before a late night at the office and a long overdue declaration of love, had them rolling around in Nikhil's desk, only to be interrupted by Jai. It was a scene that few Genhil fans will ever forget.


Baby Molly was to follow, 11 months later and some nine months after Gennie discovered that Nikhil ironing a shirt while wearing a vest, could be a powerful aphrodisiac! Her birth, on the floor of the B&B, provided the light relief in the Emmerdale 40 th Anniversary Live episode on 17 th October 2012. From Nikhil's Childbirth App, to Val's carpet and Gennie's tweaking Nikhil's nose followed by her cries of “GET IT OUT! GET IT OUT! GET IT OUUUUUUTTTTT!” the moment was unforgettable. In April 2013 they were finally married at Home Farm after much madness from the now ailing Brenda who threatened to boycott the wedding for a variety of reasons, all of which would only serve to make your teeth itch. Gennie and Nikhil (Genhil) - They were to quote David, “A Match Made in Heaven.”



Memorable Moment 5: Goodbye Gennie


Love it or loathe it, it'll be a long time before you forget it. Gennie's final exit from Emmerdale was a powerful explosion of violence and emotion, as the threads that had built her character were finally drawn together to destroy her. Her profound loyalty to her sister Chas and her fears for the health of the “saviour sibling” unborn child of her then pregnant cousin Debbie, had led her to hold the secret of her sister's affair with Cameron Murray, a human invertebrate. It was to be the beginning of the end. Months of scheming, lies and murder ensued, as first Carl and then the unfortunate Alex met their fate as Murray attempted to cover his increasingly vile tracks. During this time, Gennie's own little family was being built but despite her new priorities and the happiness and love she had found, Dingle loyalty drew her back to a family from whom she had always seemed semi-detached at best. Even an implied threat from Murray and the warnings of her beloved Nikhil couldn't stop her collision course with doom. Suspicion, a spying mission, a Dictaphone, a new driver and a high speed car chase, had an inevitable result and Gennie suffered an horrific car crash. However, death was ultimately to come from the hand of the man who offered her salvation. Cameron Murray suffocated the 25 year old, leaving behind a trail of emotional carnage which included a traumatised husband, a nine month old baby daughter and a distraught mother, already struggling to cope with a diagnosis and treatment for cancer. Gennie Sharma died on 25 th July 2013. RIP Gennie. You could be frustrating at times and could whinge at an international level but you could also be funny, warm and loving and some of us will miss you dearly. Overall, you were a wonderful, colourful character who did a heck of a lot of living in your 5 years in the village.

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